Monday, September 16, 2013

A Bit of an Update

Hi guys,
Sorry that I've been neglecting you lately. I had a busy weekend this weekend and dressed up in lots of pretty outfits, but only got ^this^ picture because my room is a mess and you would have seen it if I tried to take full pictures. It was my birthday yesterday and my sister and her boyfriend were celebrating their birthdays on Saturday night. I also haven't finished a book in a long time. I don't even want to know what my goodreads goal says (in terms of how many books I am behind by).

I have got a few ideas for some posts, but I don't want to rush it and wish I had done a better job, so you may be waiting a long time. Also, feel free to make any suggestions in the comments...

^ Here is a pretty coffee cup I got from my aunt. 

I had a pretty good birthday. I went to the markets on Sunday with the intention of singing in a Karaoke comp and I chickened out, but I still managed to be embarrassed by the man running it, who found out it was my birthday and sang happy birthday to me. I bought a nice necklace there and I went to a restaurant for lunch. It's pretty good having a birthday on a Sunday because your birthday gets drawn out over three or so days of "happy birthday Natalie" and being given gifts. 

^Here are some cute plush toys that I got. 

I got a fair few other bits and pieces including some flowers from work, lots of Minnie mouse things, lots of gift vouchers, some scratch-its etc.

^Here are some flowers that I got today from work.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend :)

Your Favourite Blogger,


Wall-to-wall books said...

Hey! Happy Birthday!
Yesterday the 15th was my daughter's birthday.

I love the cup!!!

Natalie_vintage_girl said...

That's so cool I share the same birthday as your daughter :)

Anonymous said...
