Sunday, August 14, 2011

Short Stories and Why we should read them.

Anthologies (a collection of short stories) are something that is continuing to pop up on shelves. They aren't a trend and aren't suited to any particular genre. Short stories can be about pretty much anything. The interesting thing is though, that apart from bloggers and a few other bookish people not too many people seem to be getting into the short stories.

So why not? It's not like these books are reserved for adult fiction or anything. Some of todays most popular authors are featured in anthologies. Does the length of the story seen too short? Do people think that short stories are only for the simple-minded? or does the concisiveness seem to make the story to difficult to understand?

I think that Anthologies are a perfect way for readers to explore new authors or to read more by their favourite ones. They are a bargain because you get more stories in one book and make you feel more accomplished if you are a slow reader because you can read one story in a sitting. If it wasn't for Sylvia Plath's 'Johnny Panic and the bible of Dreams', I would be really depressed by how little I got to read of her literary works.

YA Anthologies:
Many people in the YA Fantasy genre have been grouping together to write anthologies. There are fairytale retellings and the more teenage style books that conquer things like haunted corsages and ghostly boyfriends.
More recently authors are starting to write lone anthologies based on their books as well as novellas and graphic novels.

YA Anthologies to check out:
Enthralled- Features: Kelly Armstrong, Jackson Pearse, Melissa Marr...
Zombies Vs Unicorns- Features: Holly Black, Meg Cabot, Scott Westerfield
Kiss Me Deadly- Features: Carrie Ryan, Becca Fitzpatrick
The Eternal Kiss- Features: Rachel Caine, Cassandra Clare, Maria V. Snyder
Geektastic- Features: Libba Bray, Holly Black, Tracy Lynn
21 Proms- Features: David Levithan, Libba Bray, Sarah Mylinowski,
Immortal: Love Stories with Bite- Features: Rachel Caine, P.C. Cast

FROM HELL (YA Anthology series):
Love is Hell
Prom Nights From Hell
Vacations From Hell
Kisses From Hell
Dates From Hell
Holidays are Hell
Hotter Than Hell
Weddings From Hell

Poison Eaters- Holly Black
Faerie Tales and Nightmares- Melissa Marr
Tales of The Beadle and the Bard- J.K Rowling

The Wilfull Eye (Tales From The Tower 1)
The Wicked Wood (Tales From The Tower 2)

The Beach Book- Features: Jeffrey Eugenides, Gabielle Garcia Marquez,

The Red Garden- Alice Hoffman
Black Bird House- Alice Hoffman
The Local Girls- ALice Hoffman
My Mistress' Sparrow is Dead- Jeffrey Eugeniedes
The Ladies of Grace Adieu- Susanna Clarke

Stories to get you through the night

Sherlock Holmes- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A Diamond As Big as The Ritz- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Flappers and Philosophers- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Tales of Angria by Charlotte Bronte
Jonny Panic and The Bible of Dreams by Sylvia Plath

So yeah... Definitely Try and Check out Some Short Stories.

Your Favourite Blogger,

1 comment:

Megan said...

Great post!! I love to read anthologies! I read Enthralled a week or so ago and it was so fun!!