Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 in Review


Now that it's officially 2014, I have decided to write my '2013 in Review' post. I do one of these posts every year so that I can talk about the reading highlights of the year, the goals I've reached (or didn't quite reach) and a few other memorable moments from the year. I hope you all enjoyed your 2013.

At the end of last year I wrote a list of resolutions for 2013 on the blog. As far as reading goes I have only read 18 books this year. That does not include comics, non-fiction or re-reading. I think the reason for this is not only that I started a full-time job (my first one) this year, but that I was really scattered with my hobbies and I was neglecting my reading goals for other hobbies. 

My favourite book from 2013 was 'The Fine Art of Truth or Dare' by Melissa Jensen. I also really enjoyed getting into a few different graphic novels for a change. 

Highlights from other aspects of the blog include adding a series of music posts to the blog, making it to 900 likes on the Facebook Page, taking a lot more of my own photos with the Vignette app, I reviewed 2 different TV shows and I started a series of Fairytale Style Crush posts.

-I got my license and had my first small car accident (only the car was injured and it has since been fixed)
-I got a new job. It's my first full-time position and the work environment is much better than other places I have worked.
-I've met some nice people through work and a cause that I've been working on.
-I painted a lot of artworks.
-We got another dog.

I hope you all had a good 2013. What were your highlights of the year?

Your Favourite Blogger,

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