Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Reading Resolutions

I've decided not to go as big with my goals this year as I did last year, not only because I didn't reach them, but because I'm anticipating a much busier year this year. I also thought that if I lowered my goals I might be able to surprise myself. Just like last years post, I thought I might include some personal goals as well...
Reading Resolutions:
-I would like to read at least 35 books
-I would really like to reach 50 books though...
-I would like to reread 2 books (not to be included in goodreads goal)
-I would like to read 5 classics
-I would like to read 2 anthologies
-I would like to read at least 20 review books
-I would like to finish the 'Prophecy of The Sisters' series.
-I would like to conquer the pile of books I started and gave up on mid-way.
Personal Goals:
-I would like to finish an artwork each month, possibly more
-At the end of the year I'd like to do 2013 diaries with my artworks in, more this time maybe.
-Maybe, make some new friends (I have given up on the ones I had, mind you, I don't want them if they are going to use me)
And that's pretty much it.
What are your Goals for the year?
Your Favourite Blogger,

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