As you may or may not have noticed I have been doing some extra posts lately about Inspiration and motivation. I tend to sit on my but and do nothing, but dream. I'm only just starting to gather that maybe dreaming is pointless unless you can do something about it. I might have some great ideas in my head, but if I don't do anything about it I'm just the same as any other person out there. So yeah, I've set some goals for my self, I'm trying to follow my own rules, And hopefully you will be seeing a lot more of me on the blog and I will get a lot more done.
According to my little cousins (and by this I mean primary school age) however, I am very accomplished. I went and saw them today, because it was their mother's birthday and showed them my blog on they computer. They thought it was so cool that they wanted to start one too. Poor things couldn't grasp that they weren't quite old enough. They then went on to watch a cartoon/game called 'Don't Feed the Zombies' and as far as negative comments on blogs go I can't imagine that it would be that much more disturbing than watching zombies eat humans, vomit them up and then eat the vomit, but hey, what would I know?

'Dark Kiss' by Michelle Rowen
-Night Watchers book 1. It looks a bit like Edward.I like the city-scape on the cover
-'The Little Red Writing Book'
Thought it might help me with my blogging
-'Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know'
Thought I should brush up on my fairy tales. esp seeing as I have never read the originals.
What books did you buy/receive?
Your Favourite Blogger,
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