Monday, May 30, 2011

The Book Haul that wasn't supposed to happen!

As the story usually goes in my case, I was not meant to purchase any more books of the fiction genre. This was a parental book buying ban due to some online purchases that stated I was not allowed to buy any more books for 6 months AKA November. However, I was at The Warehouse and they were 4.99 each and May wasn't up yet and mum was spending money on a bed for the dog (which she wasn't supposed to) so she let me buy them... Then of course I had to rearrange the bookshelf so that they would all fit (they are sorted via genre).
-The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry
It was on my list and the cover was even more adorable than the one online. I'm not entirely sure what it's about, but I'm pretty sure it's one of those ones that revisits an era. I think it's set during one of the World War's and I love books from those eras for some strange reason

-Little Vampire Women by Louisa May Allcott and Lynn Messina
I haven't read 'Little Women' yet, but I have seen the movie. I've noticed that a lot of writers are taking classics and turning them supernatural, so I thought this would be an interesting first for me. 

-The Hungry Ghosts by Anne Berry
It had a Pretty cover. I think it's something to do with either China or Japan which are both beautiful countries with great History.

So that is Hopefully it For May
Your Favourite Blogger, 

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