Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pretty Picture Post: The Sea, The Sand and The Swimsuits (Part Two)

Hi Everyone,
Remember part one of 'The Sea, The Sand and The Swimsuit? Click here to view post. Well, I managed to find more pictures. I am thinking that this series of posts could seriously go onto a third or fourth post even, but we'll see. Again these are all monochrome pictures. And, again, not all of these are swimsuits. There will be some play-suits and sundresses too...  

As for my own search for a nice swimsuit.... Well I kind of gave up. I figured that I usually find things once I stop looking and I'm probably better off going into a shop where I can try things on. I guess it doesn't help that I am so particular and that I don't want to spend ridiculous money. I am thinking something in a dark colour. A bikini with high waisted low-cut-leg bottoms, with ruffles and with a modest top with half decent straps/ties. Yeah I don't want much do I...

In Australia we are edging closer to beach weather, though I suppose most of the tourists here at the moment probably think it's just beautiful at the moment. Most of the memories I have of the beach are as a kid collecting sea-shells (even though you are not supposed to), building castles, dancing in the shallowest of waves and making sand angels. 

I hope you'll enjoy some of these lovely pictures and I hope to make more lovely beach memories one day soon...



































I hope you all enjoyed this installment of pretty pictures. If you would like to see more beautiful pictures please make sure that you are following me on Blogger via Google Friend Connect or that you Like my Facebook Page

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1 comment:

  1. So lovely, so idyllic and fabulously stylish!!! As stunning as all of the swimsuits are, it is the photo of the two 1940s gals, one in a printed dress, the other a skirt suit, that catches my attention most of all. Not only because I adore their outfits, but because they subtle remind me of my maternal grandma and her sisters (there were several girls in her family) or friends (she always had lots as a youngster). It's not so much a physical resemblance, more the way they're both dressed and posing.

    Fantastic array of warm weather beach wear inspiration images, dear gal!

    Big hugs & joyful weekend wishes,
    ♥ Jessica


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